Acapulco by Night

By LindaAnn LoSchiavo


Whirlpooling through darkness, undulating
As gracefully as a Chinese dragon, free
To filigree wide Mexican midnight,
Each colony of vampire bats wheeled, whooped,
Long pulsing ribbons of grotesque-faced imps
Determined to find blood to sip or share,
As a full moon clasped its chin, monitoring
Playpens of stars, while lonely North wind gusts
Continued their brisk, bitter monologues.

Native New Yorker LindaAnn LoSchiavo (she/her), a four time nominee for The Pushcart Prize, was also nominated for Best of the Net, Balcones Poetry Prize, an Ippy, a Firecracker Award, the Rhysling Award, and Dwarf Stars. She is a member of SFPA, British Fantasy Society, and The Dramatists Guild.

Titles for 2022: “Women Who Were Warned” and “Messengers of the Macabre.”
Titles for 2023: “Apprenticed to the Night” (UniVerse Press), “Felones de Se: Poems about Suicide” (Ukiyoto Publishing), and “Vampire Ventures” (Alien Buddha Press).
Forthcoming in 2024: “Cancer Courts My Mother” (Penumbra / Stanislaus State College).

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