You Left Me

By Ke’Shawn Alexander


In the wake of your departure,
I found myself suspended in a realm of emotional desolation,
Standing high and dry like garments abandoned,
On the line after the final, resounding spin cycle.

The metaphor unfolded vividly,
Akin to the last rose in an aging bouquet,
Delicately wilting with the weight of unspoken goodbyes,
A poignant reflection of our once-fragile connection now adrift.

Our parting unfolded as the harsh reality faced by young parents,
Where adoption becomes the inescapable choice,
Leaving behind a palpable void—
An emptiness that echoes through the corridors of the heart.

The departure, a symphony of sorrow,
Resonated like the lone penny’s haunting echo in an emptied piggy bank,
A sound that reverberated with the tangible absence of what once was.

Memories, like a mosaic of vivid hues,
Bore the stains of false advertising, and the relentless “What if’s?”
Played like a persistent melody, an emotional backdrop,
To the complex narrative of our intertwined lives.

My thoughts drifted,
Much like a car navigating the treacherous path of a slick road,
Recognizing that preserving the essence of self,
Might eventually dull the acute pang of your absence.

Yet, here I stand amidst the echoes,
A barren landscape filled with the lingering resonance, of our shared past.
Our story, a thought-provoking dance with echoes,
Invites contemplation, urging the reader to delve into the intricate nuances of love,
And the profound echoes that linger in the aftermath of what could have been, resonating with the poignant cadence of missed possibilities.

Ke’Shawn Alexander, hailing from Washington, DC, is a multifaceted individual currently calling ATL home. This accomplished professional wears many hats, thriving as an engineer, dedicated philanthropist, and prolific author, shaping a legacy that extends beyond borders.

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