The Fire This Time

By Susan L. Pollet


It spread and flickered and licked the
Trees smoke billowed and wrapped
Around the houses fueled by the breeze
Leave the island evacuation the only plan
As the thirty thousand were brought
In silent soulful prayer to their knees
While ancient ruins which still stood
Were now in danger of divine
Destruction the inevitable final decline
Of a civilization seemingly impervious to
Time but all things must end after the fire
Wipes out memories of worlds no longer
Or perhaps there is still immortality
In an ode to a Grecian urn

Susan L. Pollet is a published author of books in multiple genres including one poetry book entitled “Susiku And More.” Susan’s poetry has been published in multiple publications. She is also a visual artist, an advocate for human rights, a former public interest lawyer, a devoted mother, grandmother and partner, and a world traveler. She has seen the dark side of humanity, but continues to search for the light.

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